Manasarovar Homes
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Embrace Yourself by Living with Sri Arunachala at Thiruvannamalai

Embrace Yourself by Living with Sri Arunachala at Thiruvannamalai
April 3, 2017

Thiruvannamalai is a pilgrimage place for millions of tourists across the globe.  Life in Thiruvannamalai is all about Lord Arunachaleshwara and the holy Arunachala Mountain. Anyone, from a child to an old man, on any road, by-lane or house, at any time of the day, can direct you to the temple. Thiruvannamalai District is known for its eternal peace and divine. This place stands tall with its proud possession “the sacred shrine Lord Arunachaleshwara and the Ashrams”.

The Thiruvannamalai temple is a hill shrine that is slightly elevated atop. The backdrop is the hill itself which can be climbed easily. The hill is Arunachala, “Aruna” means sun and the word “Achala” meaning he who cannot be moved.   The scenery is beautiful with a scrub jungle, giving a panorama with the temple down below and a point which in direct linear conjuction with the sanctum.

Tourists from other countries find Thiruvannamalai more attractive, Spirituality is one thing that attracts foreign tourists to Thiruvannamalai in the first place. The rich heritage of the city attracts people including foreigners to this beautiful and serene land of Thiruvannamalai. Tourists from abroad believes that “Arunachala is not just in India; it is wherever you look within”.

Foreign tourists find south Indian meals satisfying their taste buds and one can find a lot of small restaurants in and around Thiruvannamalai temple. Infact tourists can also book their stays at “Manasarovar Homes”, they make sure that their customers get comprehensive accommodation information according to his/her budget and preferences.

Manasarovar Homes empowers customers to choose the most appropriate accommodation for their needs and aims to bring to the fore the availability of lots of affordable and comfortable accommodations other than hotels to the people who are on the move.

Posted in Daily rentals in Tiruvannamalai, Holiday Rentals in Tiruvannamalai, Hotels in Thiruvannamalai near temple, Pilgrimage Centers in IndiaTags:

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